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Uued standardid
CWA 18119:2024
A methodology to improve the recyclability rate of Strategic/Critical Metals from car electronics
Käsitlusala: This document defines a method to support all the automotive actors in identifying the presence of SCMs in car electronics, particularly in ECUs, and disassembling/separating/recycling these components in a proper way. The final aim is improving the recyclability rate of SCMs from cars, create a market for secondary SCMs and reuse SCMs in new high-value applications.
The overall goal of the CEN Workshop is developing a CWA related to:
a) the identification of SCMs embedded ECUs (PCBs);
b) the information sharing among all the actors involved (for several reasons and with different roles) in automotive supply chains.
This document is intended to be used by car makers, car parts manufactures or suppliers and ELVs managers (e.g. car dismantlers and/or shredder companies which process ELVs). This document can support the policy makers in the development of a future digital product passport specific for PCBs and is based on the experience and results developed within TREASURE project. This activity is coherent with the new version of ELV regulation under development [7] and the current WEEE regulations [10].
Finally, the procedure could be adoptable by other sectors where the presence of electronics is relevant and SCMs can be recycled and reused.
Alusdokumendid: CWA 18119:2024
ISO 18725:2024
Tourism and related services — Yacht harbours and dry stacks — Requirements for clean harbours and active biodiversity harbours
Käsitlusala: This document specifies requirements for defining a strategic approach and means for improving harbour cleanliness and for the protection of the environment and biodiversity.
This document applies to:
—     yacht harbours, maritime or inland (lake, river, canal, etc.);
—     mixed purpose harbours (recreational and fishing/trade);
—     dry stacks.
This document is applicable regardless of the public authorities and type of management in charge of the yacht harbour. The relevant coverage zone defined is the yacht harbour area.
EVS-EN 15119-2:2024
Durability of wood and wood-based products - Determination of emissions from preservative treated wood to the environment - Part 2: Wooden commodities exposed in Use Class 4 or 5 (in contact with the ground, fresh water or sea water) - Laboratory method
Käsitlusala: This document specifies a laboratory method for obtaining water samples from treated wood which has been in conditions designed to simulate continuous contact with the ground or with water (use Class 4 or 5), at time intervals after exposure.
Alusdokumendid: EN 15119-2:2024
ISO 23742:2024
Test method for the evaluation of permeability and filtration efficiency distribution of bag filter medium
Käsitlusala: This document specifies a measuring method for the distribution of thickness, area mass, gas permeability and collection efficiency in the filter medium, and applies to both woven and non-woven filter medium.
This document provides a method for sampling specimen (position, size and number) from the filter medium required to obtain its performance distribution accurately.
The purpose of this document is to provide more accurate information about the morphology of the filter medium for users, and not to compare grade the performance of the filter medium.
ISO 17491-4:2024
Protective clothing — Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals — Part 4: Determination of resistance to penetration by a spray of liquid (spray test)
Käsitlusala: This document specifies the test method for determining the resistance of chemical protective clothing to penetration by sprays of liquid chemicals at two different levels of intensity:
a)       Method A: low-level spray test. This is applicable to clothing that covers the full body surface and is intended to be worn when there is a potential risk of exposure to small quantities of spray or accidental low-volume splashes of a liquid chemical.
b)       Method B: high-level spray test. This is applicable to clothing with spray-tight connections between different parts of the clothing and, if applicable, between the clothing and other items of personal protective equipment, which covers the full body surface and which is intended to be worn when there is a risk of exposure to sprayed liquid chemical.
This document does not apply to chemical permeation resistance of the materials from which the chemical protective clothing is made.
ISO 7076-6:2024
Fire protection — Foam fire extinguishing systems — Part 6: Vehicle-mounted compressed air foam systems
Käsitlusala: This document specifies requirements for compressed air foam systems (CAFS) in which foam concentrate and compressed air are continuously added to the water being discharged from the fire-fighting pump. This document is applicable to CAFS that can be permanently installed in fire-fighting vehicles, or that are transportable or mobile.
This document specifies requirements for CAFS which are used at ambient temperatures ranging from –10 °C to +40 °C.
This document does not apply to stationary CAFS.
This document does not apply to requirements for hazards related to handling foam concentrates, noise generated by CAFS, drives, auxiliary equipment, power sources, or pumps connected to the CAFS.
This document does not specify requirements for special hazards arising from particular conditions under which CAFS are used, for example:
—     immunity against electromagnetic fields and electrostatic discharge;
—     operation without supervision;
—     events specific to the location where the CAFS is set up (e.g. on public roads);
—     handling of any equipment, devices, etc. which have to be connected to the CAFS or are joined to it (e.g. branch pipes, nozzles and pressure hoses);
—     decommissioning and disposal.
Asendatud standardid
EVS-ISO 24510:2008
Joogivee- ja kanalisatsiooniteenustega seotud tegevused . Juhised joogivee- ja kanalisatsiooniteenuste hindamiseks ning parandamiseks kasutajale
Käsitlusala: Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard määratleb kasutajate jaoks olulised ja huvipakkuvad joogivee ja kanalisatsiooni teenuste elemendid. Samuti juhendab käesolev standard kuidas teha kindlaks kasutajate vajadusi ja ootusi ja kuidas hinnata, kas nendele vajadustele/ootustele on vastatud. Käesoleva rahvusvahelise standardi ulatus hõlmab järgmiseid aspekte: erinevatele huvigruppidele ühise keele definitsioon; kasutajatele pakutava teenuse peamiste elementide ja omaduste definitsioon; teenuse eesmärgid kasutajate vajaduste ja ootuste suhtes; juhised kasutajate vajaduste ja ootuste rahuldamiseks; kasutajatele pakutava teenuse hindamise kriteeriumid; tulemuslikkuse näitajate tutvustus; tulemuslikkuse näitajate näited. Käesoleva rahvusvahelise standardi ulatus ei hõlma järgmiseid aspekte: joogivee- ja kanalisatsioonisüsteemide projekteerimise ja ehituse meetodid; joogivee- ja kanalisatsiooniteenustega seotud tegevuste opereerimise ja juhtimise korralduslik juhtimisstruktuur ja metoodika, ka lepingute sõlmimine; hoonetesiseste süsteemidega seotud teemad. MÄRKUS 1. Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard, ISO 24511 ja ISO 24512 hõlmavad rida standardeid, mis käsitlevad veeteenuseid. Seetõttu on soovitatav kasutada neid kolme rahvusvahelist standardit koos. MÄRKUS 2. Punktis 2 väljatoodud terminite ja definitsioonide nimekiri on ühine nii käesolevale rahvusvahelisele standardile, kui ka ISO 24511 ja ISO 24512. MÄRKUS 3. Lisa A sisaldab kolme tabelit, milles kasutatakse samaväärseid termineid inglise, prantsuse ja hispaania keeles.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 24510:2007
EVS-ISO 24511:2008
Joogivee- ja kanalisatsiooniteenustega seotud tegevused. Juhised kanalisatsiooniteenust pakkuvate ettevõtete juhtimiseks ning kanalisatsiooniteenuste hindamiseks
Käsitlusala: Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard sätestab juhtnöörid kanalisatsiooniteenust pakkuvate ettevõtete juhtimiseks ning kanalisatsiooniteenuste hindamiseks. Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard on kohaldatav avalikule sektorile ja eraomandis olevatele ning opereeritavatele kanalisatsiooniteenust pakkuvatele ettevõtetele, kuid see ei soosi mistahes spetsiaalset omandi- või opereerimismudelit.   MÄRKUS 1. Alati kui kasutatakse või tarbitakse vett, tekib reovesi. Vastavalt, võib reovesi pärineda erinevatest allikatest – elamutest, tööstusest, kaubandusest või asutustest. Kogutud sadevett või (sulanud) lund võib samuti pidada reoveeks, kuna tihtipeale kannavad need teel kogumissüsteemi õhust või maapinnalt kogutud saasteaineid ja patogeene. Teatud tingimustel, eriti arendamata piirkondades, kogutakse sanitaarjäätmeid lahjendamata kujul.  Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard käsitleb kanalisatsioonisüsteemi tervikuna ning on kohaldatav süsteemidele mistahes arengujärgus (näit. käimlakastid, kohalikud süsteemid, võrgud, puhastid). Käesoleva rahvusvahelise standardi ulatus hõlmab järgmiseid aspekte: erinevatele huvigruppidele ühise keele definitsioon; kanalisatsiooniteenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte eesmärgid; kanalisatsiooniteenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte juhtimise juhendid; teenuse hindamise kriteeriumid ja sellega seonduvad tulemuslikkuse näitajate näited, seadmata mistahes sihtväärtusi või künniseid. Käesoleva rahvusvahelise standardi ulatus ei hõlma järgmiseid aspekte: kanalisatsioonisüsteemide projekteerimise ja ehituse meetodid; kanalisatsiooniteenustega seotud tegevuste opereerimise ja juhtimise juhtimisstruktuuri ja metoodika reguleerimine; lepingute ja alltöövõtulepingute sisu reguleerimine; hoonetesiseste, purgimiskoha ja kogumiskoha vaheliste süsteemidega seotud teemad. MÄRKUS 2. Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard, ISO 24511 ja ISO 24512 hõlmavad rida standardeid, mis käsitlevad veeteenuseid. Seetõttu on soovitatav kasutada neid kolme rahvusvahelist standardit koos. MÄRKUS 3. Punktis 2 väljatoodud terminite ja definitsioonide nimekiri on ühine nii käesolevale rahvusvahelisele standardile, kui ka ISO 24511 ja ISO 24512. MÄRKUS 4. Lisa A sisaldab kolme tabelit, milles kasutatakse samaväärseid termineid inglise, prantsuse ja hispaania keeles.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 24511:2007
ISO 17491-4:2008/Amd 1:2016
ISO 17491-4:2008 - Amendment
Käsitlusala: Amendment to ISO 17491-4:2008
Asendatud: ISO 17491-4:2024
ISO 17491-4:2008
Protective clothing -- Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals -- Part 4: Determination of resistance to penetration by a spray of liquid (spray test)
Käsitlusala: ISO 17491-4:2008 specifies methods for determining the resistance of chemical protective clothing to penetration by sprays of liquid chemicals at two different levels of intensity:

Method A: low-level spray test. This is applicable to clothing that covers the full body surface and which is intended to be worn when there is a potential risk of exposure to small quantities of spray or accidental low volume splashes of a liquid chemical.
Method B: high level spray test This is applicable to clothing with spray-tight connections between different parts of the clothing and, if applicable, between the clothing and other items of personal protective equipment, which covers the full body surface and which is intended to be worn when there is a risk of exposure to sprayed particles of liquid.
Asendatud: ISO 17491-4:2024
EVS-ISO 24512:2008
Joogivee- ja kanalisatsiooniteenustega seotud tegevused. Juhised joogiveeteenust pakkuvate ettevõtete juhtimiseks ja joogiveeteenuste hindamiseks
Käsitlusala: Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard sätestab juhtnöörid joogiveeteenust pakkuvate ettevõtete juhtimiseks ning joogiveeteenuste hindamiseks. Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard on kohaldatav avalikule sektorile ja eraomandis olevatele ning opereeritavatele kanalisatsiooniteenust pakkuvatele ettevõtetele. See ei soosi mistahes spetsiaalset omandi- või opereerimismudelit. Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard käsitleb joogiveesüsteemi tervikuna ning on kohaldatav süsteemidele mistahes arengujärgus (näit. kohalikud süsteemid, jaotusvõrgud, puhastid).  Käesoleva rahvusvahelise standardi ulatus hõlmab järgmiseid aspekte: erinevatele huvigruppidele ühise keele definitsioon; joogiveevarustusesüsteemi komponentide definitsioon; joogiveeteenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte juhtimise juhendid; juhtnöörid eesmärkide seadmiseks, teenuse hindamise kriteeriumid ja sellega seonduvad tulemuslikkuse näitajad, mis on sobivad joogiveeteenuste hindamiseks. Käesoleva rahvusvahelise standardi ulatus ei hõlma järgmiseid aspekte: sihtväärtused ja künnised väljapakutud eesmärkidele, teenuse hindamise kriteeriumitele ja sellega seonduvatele tulemuslikkuse näitajatele; joogiveesüsteemide projekteerimise ja ehitamisega seotud küsimused; joogiveeteenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte juhtimisstruktuuriga seotud küsimused; joogiveeteenuste reguleerimisega seotud küsimused, k.a. juhtimis- ja tootmistegevus; lepingute ja alltöövõtulepingute sisu reguleerimisega seotud küsimused; varustuskoha ja kasutuskoha vahelised seadmed. MÄRKUS 1. Käesolev rahvusvaheline standard, ISO 24511 ja ISO 24512 hõlmavad rida standardeid, mis käsitlevad veeteenuseid. Seetõttu on soovitatav kasutada neid kolme rahvusvahelist standardit koos. MÄRKUS 2 Punktis 2 väljatoodud terminite ja definitsioonide nimekiri on ühine nii käesolevale rahvusvahelisele standardile, kui ka ISO 24511 ja ISO 24512.
MÄRKUS 3. Lisa A sisaldab kolme tabelit, milles kasutatakse samaväärseid termineid inglise, prantsuse ja hispaania keeles.
Alusdokumendid: ISO 24512:2007
ISO 7076-6:2016
Fire protection -- Foam fire extinguishing systems -- Part 6: Vehicle mounted compressed air foam systems
Käsitlusala: ISO 7076-6:2016 specifies requirements for compressed air foam systems (CAFS) in which foam concentrate and compressed air are continuously added to the water being discharged from the fire-fighting pump. This part of ISO 7076 is applicable to CAFS that can be permanently installed in fire-fighting vehicles, transportable, or mobile.
ISO 7076-6:2016 specifies requirements for CAFS which are used at ambient temperatures ranging from ?10 �C to +40 �C.
ISO 7076-6:2016 does not apply to stationary CAFS.
ISO 7076-6:2016 does not apply to requirements for hazards related to handling foam concentrates, noise generated by CAFS, drives, auxiliary equipment, power sources, or pumps connected to the CAFS.
ISO 7076-6:2016 does not specify requirements for special hazards arising from particular conditions under which CAFS are used, for example:
-      immunity against electromagnetic fields and electrostatic discharge;
-      operation without supervision;
-      events specific to the location where the CAFS is set up (e.g. on public roads);
-      handling of any equipment, devices, etc., which have to be connected to the CAFS or are joined to it (e.g. branch pipes, nozzles and pressure hoses);
-      decommissioning and disposal.
Asendatud: ISO 7076-6:2024
CEN/TS 15119-2:2012
Durability of wood and wood-based products - Determination of emissions from preservative treated wood to the environment - Part 2: Wooden commodities exposed in Use Class 4 or 5 (in contact with the ground, fresh water or sea water) - Laboratory method
Käsitlusala: This Technical Specification specifies a laboratory method for obtaining water samples from treated wood which has been in conditions designated to simulate continuous contact with the ground or with water (use Class 4 or 5), at time intervals after exposure.
Alusdokumendid: CEN/TS 15119-2:2012
Asendatud: EVS-EN 15119-2:2024
EVS-EN 167:2002
Isiklikud silmakaitsevahendid. Optilised katsemeetodid
Käsitlusala: This European Standard specifies optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other ENs.
Alusdokumendid: EN 167:2001
ISO 7076-6:2016/Amd 1:2020
ISO 7076-6:2016 - Amendment
Käsitlusala: Amendment to ISO 7076-6:2016
Asendatud: ISO 7076-6:2024
prEN IEC 60335-2-10:2024
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines
Käsitlusala: This European Standard deals with the safety of electric floor treatment and wet scrubbing machines intended for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V, including direct current (DC) supplied appliances and battery-operated appliances.
Alusdokumendid: prEN IEC 60335-2-10:2024; IEC 60335-2-10:2021
prEN IEC 60335-2-10:2024/prAA:2024
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines
Käsitlusala: Amendment to prEN IEC 60335-2-10:2024.
Alusdokumendid: prEN IEC 60335-2-10:2024/prAA:2024
EN 14972-1:2020/prA1
Fixed firefighting systems - Water mist systems - Part 1: Design, installation, inspection and maintenance
Käsitlusala: This document specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, installation, inspection and maintenance of all types of fixed land based water mist systems.
This document is intended to apply to water mist automatic nozzle systems and water mist deluge systems supplied by stand alone or pumped systems.
The document covers only applications and occupancies which are covered by the fire test protocols of the EN 14972 series.
Aspects of water mist associated with explosion protection and/or use within vehicles are not covered by this document.
This document does not cover all legislative requirements. In certain countries specific national regulations apply and take precedence over this document. Users of this document are advised to inform themselves of the applicability or non-applicability for this document by their national responsible authorities.
Alusdokumendid: EN 14972-1:2020/prA1
prEN 18092
Design-for-recycling guidelines for plastic construction products - Thermal insulation products of expanded polystyrene (EPS)
Käsitlusala: This document specifies the general “design for recycling” guidelines for EPS raw materials. It provides guidance on the impact of specific design characteristics on the recyclability of the product in practice and recommended design options to ensure that the product is recyclable, including target values and performance ranges, where applicable. It also provides a definition of recyclable product and of design for recycling.
This document refers to the recycling processes of EPS products. The sorting and collecting steps are not part of this document.
This document takes into account all currently known processes that are suitable to enable the circular economy for insulation materials. Particular attention is paid to ensuring that the most energy-efficient processes are given preference, especially mechanical recycling, unless reuse is already ruled out.
For some of these processes, practical experience has been gained over many years, so a basic knowledge base for the development of a guideline is already available.
At the same time, it is important to also take into account future-oriented processes, for which at the moment little but increasing experience is available or which have so far only been implemented on a small scale.
Alusdokumendid: prEN 18092
prEN 18088
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Plastics recycling and recycled plastics - Plastic waterproofing sheets
Käsitlusala: Plastic waterproofing sheets generate plastic waste at different stages: production, construction process, use and end of life.
This document defines the origin of recyclate made from pre-consumer material and post-consumer material as it is used in new products. These new products can be plastic waterproofing sheets, other sheets, other construction products or other products.
It specifies terms and definitions.
It gives guidance for assessing the recyclates intended for use in the production of new products.
NOTE  This document is suitable for products with similar content like: swimming pool membranes, geosynthetic barriers, garden ponds, walk-ways, protection membranes, prefabricated pieces. The design for recycling of packaging, including the recycling itself, is defined in the CEN TC 261 Packaging.
Alusdokumendid: prEN 18088
prEN ISO 18724
Water quality - Determination of dissolved chromium(VI) in water - Photometric method (ISO/DIS 18724:2024)
Käsitlusala: This document specifies a method for the photometric determination of dissolved chromium(VI) using
manual, e.g., hand photometry, or automated static, e.g., discrete analyser system, or automated
dynamic techniques, e.g., flow injection analysis (FIA), continuous flow analysis (CFA), or ion
chromatography with post-column derivatization (IC-PCR). Typical areas of application for the static
techniques as well as FIA and CFA are samples with Cr(VI) concentrations 2 μg/l in raw water,
drinking water, surface water, aqueous eluates, cooling water and treated wastewater, provided that
the Matrix does not contain any reducing substances. When using cuvettes with large optical path
lengths, e.g. >100 mm, the range of application can be extended to concentrations 2 μg/l Cr(VI). When
using coupled techniques (e.g. IC-PCR), Cr(VI) concentrations 0,02 μg/l can be determined.
The NP is based on DIN 38405-52:2020-11.
Alusdokumendid: ISO/DIS 18724; prEN ISO 18724
prEN 15269-5
Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware - Part 5: Fire resistance of hinged and pivoted metal framed glazed doorsets and openable windows
Käsitlusala: This document covers hinged and pivoted steel (any kind) and aluminium based framed, glazed doorsets or openable windows. Throughout this document, the term "doorset" will be used to cover both doorsets and door assemblies. It prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from fire resistance test(s) conducted in accordance with EN 1634-1.
Subject to the completion of the appropriate test or tests selected from those identified in Clause 4, the extended application can cover all or some of the following examples:
-  integrity (E), integrity & radiation (EW) or integrity & insulation (EI1 or EI2) classification,
-  glazed elements including vision panels and framed glazed doorsets,
-  air transfer grilles (louvres and/or vents),
-  side, transom or over panels,
-  items of building hardware,
-  decorative and protective finishes,
-  intumescent seals and non-intumescent (smoke, draught or acoustic) seals,
-  alternative supporting construction(s).
This document does not cover horizontal doorsets.
The effect on the Classification ‘C’ for the doorsets following an extended application process is not addressed in this document.
Alusdokumendid: prEN 15269-5