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EVS-EN IEC/IEEE 63195-1:2023

Assessment of power density of human exposure to radio frequency fields from wireless devices in close proximity to the head and body (frequency range of 6 GHz to 300 GHz) - Part 1: Measurement procedure


Kehtiv alates 17.01.2023
IEC/IEEE 63195-1:2022; EN IEC/IEEE 63195-1:2023
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This document specifies protocols and test procedures for repeatable and reproducible measurements of power density (PD) that provide conservative estimates of exposure incident to a human head or body due to radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic field (EMF) transmitting communication devices, with a specified measurement uncertainty. These protocols and procedures apply for exposure evaluations of a significant majority of the population during the use of hand-held and body-worn RF transmitting communication devices. The methods apply for devices that can feature single or multiple transmitters or antennas, and can be operated with their radiating structure(s) at distances up to 200 mm from a human head or body.
The methods of this document can be used to determine conformity with applicable maximum PD requirements of different types of RF transmitting communication devices being used in close proximity to the head and body, including if combined with other RF transmitting or non-transmitting devices or accessories (e.g. belt-clip), or embedded in garments. The overall applicable frequency range of these protocols and procedures is from 6 GHz to 300 GHz.
The RF transmitting communication device categories covered in this document include but are not limited to mobile telephones, radio transmitters in personal computers, desktop and laptop devices, and multi-band and multi-antenna devices.

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