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EVS-EN 12312-9:2013

Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Erinõuded. Osa 9: Konteinerite/aluste laadimisseadmed


Kehtiv alates 05.02.2013
EN 12312-9:2013
Direktiivid või määrused
2006/42/EC Masinad

Standardi ajalugu

Põhitekst + muudatus
This European Standard specifies the technical requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, the operation and the maintenance of container/pallet loaders when used as intended, including misuse reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer, when carried out in accordance with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also takes into account some requirements recognised as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines and handling agencies. This document applies to: a) Container/Pallet loader (self-propelled) single platform; b) Container/Pallet loader (self-propelled) two or more platforms; c) Container/Pallet loader/transporter (self-propelled); d) Container/Pallet loader/transfer platform (towed). This document does not establish requirements for noise and vibration. Noise and vibration are dealt with respectively in EN 1915-4 and EN 1915-3. This standard does not deal with hazards in respect to a standard automotive chassis and from other vehicles on the apron. This part of EN 12312 is not applicable to container/pallet loaders which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN. NOTE Certain measurements have been given in imperial units (in parentheses) following the metric measurements since the containers/pallets to be handled are based mainly on the imperial system. This part of EN 12312 when used in conjunction with prEN 1915-1, EN 1915-2, EN 1915-3 and EN 1915-4 provides the requirements for container/pallet loaders.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

19,52 € koos KM-ga
19,52 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel

Põhitekst + muudatus

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Põhitekst + muudatus

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EVS-EN 12312-8:2018

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