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EVS-EN 12312-4:2014

Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Erinõuded. Osa 4: Reisijasillad


Kehtetu alates 01.11.2024
EN 12312-4:2014
Direktiivid või määrused
2006/42/EC Masinad

Olgugi et standard on tühistatud, on sellel Euroopa Liidu õigusakti 2006/42/EC mõistes siiski vastavuse eeldus ning vastavust  õigusakti nõuetega saab tagada, kui kasutada standardi tühistatud versiooni. Vastavuse eeldus kehtib, kuni vastav muudatus avaldatakse Euroopa Liidu Teatajas.
Uusimat Euroopa Liidu Teatajas avaldatud kooskõlastatud standardite nimekirja saad vaadata siit:

Standardi ajalugu

Põhitekst + muudatus
EVS-EN 12312-4:2003+A1:2009
This European Standard specifies the technical requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of passenger boarding bridges (PBBs) when used as intended, including misuse reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer, when carried out in accordance with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also takes into account some require-ments recognised as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines and handling agencies.
This standard applies to:
a)  apron-drive bridges;
b)  fixed-head bridges (also referred to as nose loaders) or pedestal bridges;
c)  suspended bridges,
for embarking/disembarking of passengers. It is applicable from the interface with the terminal building, which
can be movable, e.g. on two levels to separate arrival and departure level to the connection with the aircraft including fixed tunnels.

This standard does not apply to:
a)  elevating lounges;
b)  passenger stairs;
c)  other form of aircraft access equipment;
d)  automatic PBB positioning.
This standard does not establish requirements for hazards caused by noise and vibration
NOTE  EN 1915-3 and EN 1915-4 provide the general GSE vibration and noise requirements.
This part of EN 12312 is not applicable to PBBs which were manufactured before the date of publication of this standard by CEN.
This part of EN 12312 when used in conjunction with EN 1915-1, EN 1915-2 and EN 1915-4 provides the requirements for PBBs.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

19,52 € koos KM-ga
19,52 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


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