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ISO/TR 23211:2009

Hydrometry -- Measuring the water level in a well using automated pressure transducer methods


Kehtiv alates 23.06.2009
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ISO/TR 23211:2009 provides information about the functional requirements of instrumentation for measuring the water level in a well using automated pressure transducer methods.
ISO/TR 23211:2009 provides guidance for the proper selection, installation and operation of submersible pressure transducers and data loggers for the collection of hydrologic data, primarily for the collection of water-level data from wells. Basic principles, measurement needs and considerations for operating submersible pressure transducers are described and the systematic errors inherent in their use are discussed. Standard operational procedures for data collection and data processing, as well as applications of transducers for specific types of hydrologic investigations are included. Basic concepts regarding the physics of pressure and the mechanics of measuring pressure are presented, along with information on the electronics used to make and record these measurements. Guidelines for transducer calibration, proper use and quality assurance of data also are presented. Ground water field applications of pressure transducer systems are discussed, as are common problems that may corrupt data, along with suggestions for field repairs.
An informative annex provides guidance on the types of pressure transducers commonly used for water-level measurement and the measurement uncertainty associated with them.

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254,36 € koos KM-ga
254,36 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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