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ISO/TR 16732-3:2013

Fire safety engineering -- Fire risk assessment -- Part 3: Example of an industrial property


Kehtiv alates 19.02.2013
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
13.220.01 Tuleohutus üldiselt
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

ISO/TR 16732-3:2013 deals with a fictitious propane storage facility dedicated to the reception of propane transported by tank wagons, the storage of propane in a pressurized vessel and the bulk shipment of propane by tank trucks. The fire risk assessment developed in ISO/TR 16732-3:2013 is not intended to be exhaustive, but is given as an example to illustrate the application of ISO 16732-1 to an industrial facility.
ISO/TR 16732-3:2013 is further limited to design-phase strategies, including changes to the layout of the facility and selection of relevant fire safety strategies (implementation of risk reduction measures). Not included are strategies that operate during the operation phase, including process modifications.
It illustrates the value of fire risk assessment because multiple scenarios are analysed, and several design options are available, which may perform well or not depending on the considered scenario. Risk estimation is needed to determine the result of these different combinations, and overall measures of performance that can be compared between design options. If there were only one scenario of interest, or if the options all tended to perform the same way on all the scenarios, then a simpler type of engineering analysis would suffice.

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171,85 € koos KM-ga
171,85 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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