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ISO/TR 16196:2016

Nanotechnologies -- Compilation and description of sample preparation and dosing methods for engineered and manufactured nanomaterials


Kehtiv alates 22.09.2016
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
07.030 Füüsika. Keemia
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ISO/TR 16196:2016 provides guidance regarding the preparation of nanomaterials for eco- and bio- toxicological testing. It provides guidance regarding factors pertaining to sample preparation and dose determination that might be useful in toxicological, including ecotoxicological, testing of engineered and manufactured nanoscale materials.
The descriptions of sample preparation method factors for both in vitro and in vivo toxicological testing of engineered and manufactured nanoscale materials include considerations about physico-chemical properties, media, methods for transformation and accumulation studies, health effects and dosimetry. The document is not intended to be a literature review nor a thorough assessment of the quality of the methods or data generated. The document is intended to complement other international efforts.
The focus of this document is on factors that might lead to results that are not relevant to safety evaluations. When featured, referenced methods are considered for their general interest and potential applicability. It is likely that most of the described methods are not generally applicable to all nanomaterials but they do demonstrate important factors and limitations that are common for a variety of nanomaterials.

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