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ISO 4649:2010

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic -- Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum device


Kehtetu alates 14.09.2017
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
83.060 Kummi
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

ISO 4649:2002
ISO 4649:2010 specifies two methods for the determination of the resistance of rubber to abrasion by means of a rotating cylindrical drum device.
The methods involve determination of the volume loss due to the abrasive action of rubbing a test piece over a specified grade of abrasive sheet. Method A is for a non-rotating test piece and method B for a rotating test piece. For each method, the result can be reported as a relative volume loss or an abrasion resistance index.
Because factors such as the grade of abrasive sheet, the type of adhesive used in the manufacture of the sheet and contamination and wear caused by previous testing lead to variations in the absolute values of abrasion loss, all tests are comparative. Runs with a reference compound are included so that the results can be expressed either as a relative volume loss compared to a calibrated abrasive sheet or an abrasion resistance index compared to a reference compound.
These test methods are suitable for comparative testing, quality control, specification compliance testing, referee purposes, and research and development work. No close relation between the results of this abrasion test and service performance can be inferred.

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82,61 € koos KM-ga
82,61 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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