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ISO 45001:2018 – A practical guide for SMEs

ISO 45001:2018 – A practical guide for SMEs


Kehtiv alates 14.09.2020
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ISO 45001 handbook, published jointly by ISO and UNIDO, aims to help small organizations implement the requirements of ISO 45001:2018. It provides an overview of the requirements and sets out approaches for small organizations to implement them, to help you establish an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system.

The impact of work-related fatalities, injuries or ill health on a small organization can be overwhelming. The effects can include reduced revenue, overtime costs, increased injury and ill health costs, and can even result in a small organization closing. Even larger organizations can experience significant negative effects. Such occurrences are even more devastating if an organization is a family-based operation.

Readers will get simple explanations and practical examples that support their first steps into the intricacies of workplace health and safety.

Since this handbook does not include the text of ISO 45001, you can obtain a copy of the standard from our e-shop.

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