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IEC 60364-7-722:2018

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 7-722: Requirements for special installations or locations - Supplies for electric vehicles


Kehtiv alates 21.09.2018
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Standardi ajalugu

IEC 60364-7-722:2018 applies to:
• circuits intended to supply energy to electric vehicles, and
• circuits intended for feeding back electricity from electric vehicles.
Circuits covered by this document are terminated at the connecting point.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) introduction of requirements for electrical installations incorporating wireless power transfer systems;
b) clarification of the requirements regarding the protective measure placing out of reach in order to allow the use of pantographs in areas accessible to the public;
c) introduction of requirements covering the case where the EV may operate as a source in parallel with other sources.
NOTE 1 The requirements for EV supply equipment for conductive charging and the relevant charging modes are described in IEC 61851 (all parts). The requirements for EV supply equipment for wireless power transfer are described in IEC 61980 (all parts).
NOTE 2 IEC 60364-7-722 does not cover the assessment of the risk of explosion due to the possible production of hydrogen/other flammable gases during the battery recharging phase.

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