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EVS-EN ISO 3450:2011

Mullatöömasinad. Kummiratastel masinate pidurisüsteemid. Süsteemid, nende talitusnõuded ning katsete läbiviimise kord (ISO 3450:2011)


Kehtiv alates 05.12.2011
ISO 3450:2011; EN ISO 3450:2011
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
53.100 Mullatöömasinad
Direktiivid või määrused
2006/42/EC Masinad

Standardi ajalugu

This International Standard specifies minimum performance requirements and test procedures for the service, secondary and parking brake systems of wheeled and high-speed rubber-tracked earth-moving machines, for the uniform assessment of those brake systems. It is applicable to the following earth-moving machinery, operating on work sites or in mining, or travelling on public roads: - self-propelled, rubber-tyred earth-moving machines, as defined in ISO 6165; - self-propelled rollers and landfill compactors, as defined in ISO 6165 and ISO 8811; - self-propelled scrapers, as defined in ISO 7133; - remote-control machines, as defined in ISO 6165, wheeled or rubber-tracked; - derivative earth-moving machines with rubber tyres; - earth-moving machines with rubber tracks and a maximum machine speed ≥20 km/h. It is not applicable to pedestrian-controlled earth-moving machinery (see ISO 17063) or crawler earth-moving machines with steel or rubber tracks that travel at <20 km/h (see ISO 10265). While purpose-built underground mining machines are not within the scope of this International Standard, its provisions can generally be applied to those machines with some braking performance modifications and additions (see Annex A).

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

24,40 € koos KM-ga
24,40 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


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