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EVS-EN ISO 2613-1:2023

Analysis of natural gas - Silicon content of biomethane - Part 1: Determination of total silicon by atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) (ISO 2613-1:2023)


Kehtiv alates 01.06.2023
ISO 2613-1:2023; EN ISO 2613-1:2023
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
75.060 Maagaas
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This document is applicable to the measurement of the total silicon content in gaseous matrices such as biomethane and biogas. Silicon is present in a gas phase contained predominantly in siloxane compounds, trimethylsilane and trimethylsilanol. The analytical form of the silicon measured in liquid phase after conducted sampling and derivatization procedure is soluble hexafluorosilicate anion stable in slightly acidified media. Total silicon is expressed as a mass of silicon in the volume of the analysed gas.
This document is applicable to stated gaseous matrices with silicon concentrations up to 5 mg/m3, and it is prevalently intended for the biomethane matrices with Si mass concentration of 0,1 mg/m3 to 0,5 mg/m3.
With adaptation to ensure appropriate absorption efficiency, it can be used for higher concentrations. The detection limit of the method is estimated as 0,05 mg/m3 based on a gas sample volume of 0,020 m3. All compounds present in the gas phase are volatile at the absorption and derivatization temperature and gaseous organosilicon species are trapped in absorbance media and derivatized into analytical silicon that is measured by this method. The concentration of the silicon is measured in diluted derivatization media using atomic emission spectrometry upon atomisation/ionisation in microwave or inductively coupled plasma.
Unless specified otherwise, all volumes and concentrations refer to standard reference conditions (temperature, 273 K, and pressure, 101,325 kPa).
NOTE       When using appropriate dilution factors, the method can also be applied for silicon concentrations above 5 mg/m3.

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