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EVS-EN IEC 60068-3-3:2019

Environmental testing - Part 3-3: Supporting documentation and guidance - Seismic test methods for equipment


Kehtiv alates 01.11.2019
IEC 60068-3-3:2019; EN IEC 60068-3-3:2019
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
19.040 Keskkonnakatsetused
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This part of IEC 60068 applies primarily to electro-technical equipment but its application can be extended to other equipment and to components.
In addition, if some type of analysis is always performed when making a seismic qualification, for example for the choice of the representative sample to be tested or for the extension of the seismic qualification from the tested specimen to similar specimens, the verification of the performance of an equipment by analysis or by a combination of testing and analysis can be acceptable but is outside the scope of this document, which is restricted to verification based entirely upon data from dynamic testing.
This document deals solely with the seismic testing of a full-size equipment which can be tested on a vibration table. The seismic testing of an equipment is intended to demonstrate its ability to perform its required function during and/or after the time it is subjected to the
stresses and displacements resulting from an earthquake.
The object of this document is to present a range of methods of testing which, when specified by the relevant specification, can be applied to demonstrate the performance of equipment for which seismic testing is required with the main aim of achieving qualification.
NOTE Qualification by so-called “fragility-testing” is not considered to be within the scope of this document which has been prepared to give generally applicable guidance on seismic testing and specifically on the use of IEC 60068-2 test methods.
The choice of the method of testing can be made according to the criteria described in this document. The methods themselves are closely based on published IEC test methods.
This document is intended for use by manufacturers to substantiate, or by users to evaluate and verify, the performance of an equipment.

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26,84 € koos KM-ga
26,84 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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