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EVS-EN 933-6:2022

Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Part 6: Assessment of surface characteristics - Flow coefficient of aggregates


Kehtiv alates 30.12.2022
EN 933-6:2022
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This document specifies the reference method used for type testing, and in case of dispute, for determining the flow coefficient of coarse and fine aggregates. Other methods can be used for other purposes, such as factory production control, provided that an appropriate working relationship with the reference method has been established. Examples of advanced test methods can be found in the Bibliography.
This document applies to coarse aggregate of sizes between 4 mm and 20 mm and to fine aggregate of size up to 2 mm. It does not apply to lightweight aggregates.
NOTE 1  For coarse aggregates between 4 mm and 20 mm, the flow coefficient is linked with the percentage of crushed or broken surfaces of an aggregate and can therefore be used in association with the method specified in EN 933-5. Shape and surface texture characteristics also influence the result.
NOTE 2  Experience of this test has been generally limited to natural aggregates.
Examples of test data sheets are given in informative Annexes A and C.
Annex B (informative) contains precision data.
WARNING - The use of this part of EN 933 can involve hazardous materials, operations and equipment (such as dust, noise and heavy lifts). It does not purport to address all of the safety or environmental problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of users of this document to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and health of personnel and the environment prior to application of the standard, and fulfil statutory and regulatory requirements for this purpose.

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19,52 € koos KM-ga
19,52 € koos KM-ga
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