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EVS-EN 710:1999+A1:2010

Metallurgiatööstuse vormimis- ja kärnimasinate, seadmete ning nendega seotud abiseadmete ohutusnõuded KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST


Kehtetu alates 30.12.2022
EN 710:1997+A1:2010
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
25.120.30 Valuseadmed
Direktiivid või määrused
2006/42/EC Masinad

Olgugi et standard on tühistatud, on sellel Euroopa Liidu õigusakti 2006/42/EC mõistes siiski vastavuse eeldus ning vastavust  õigusakti nõuetega saab tagada, kui kasutada standardi tühistatud versiooni. Vastavuse eeldus kehtib, kuni vastav muudatus avaldatakse Euroopa Liidu Teatajas.
Uusimat Euroopa Liidu Teatajas avaldatud kooskõlastatud standardite nimekirja saad vaadata siit:

Standardi ajalugu

Põhitekst + muudatus
EVS-EN 710:1999
This standard specifies safety requirements to be met by the manufacturer for machines and plant used in foundries for the production of castings in disposable models. It takes into account the foreseeable significant hazards due to design, construction and installation that may occur during commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning. It specifies preventative measures and verification means for the elimination or reduction of these hazards. It specifies requirements for information to be provided by the manufacturer to the user on safe operation and maintenance. This standard applies to the following equipment: - Machinery and plant constructed to condition and/or reclaim foundry sands; - Moulding machinery and plants; - Coremaking machinery and plants; - Knock-out equipment; - Other directly associated equipment. The foreseeable significant hazards covered are listed in clause 5 and include: - Mechanical hazards, movement of machinery and workpieces, ejection of material, of liquids and gases, inadequacy of the mechanical strength; - Explosion, fire, exothermic reactions; - Contact with hot parts, gases and flames; - Noise and vibration; - Thermal heat radiation and conduction; - Harmful by-products, poisoning, pollution of operators' breathing air.This standard applies to equipment covered by this standard which is placed on the market after the date of issue of this standard. This standard does not cover the safety requirements for wax- and lost foam pattern production and wax removal equipment and drying ovens. This standard does not apply to crane installations, winches, continuous conveyors or handling systems which could be an integral part of the above equipment. The standard does not cover dust reduction equipment.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

31,72 € koos KM-ga
31,72 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


EVS-EN ISO 5778:2000

Ships and marine technology - Small weathertight steel hatches
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ISO 6042:2015

Ships and marine technology -- Weathertight single-leaf steel doors
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Põhitekst + muudatus

EVS-EN 14673:2006+A1:2010

Masinate ohutus. Ohutusnõuded hüdroajamiga avaneva matriitsiga kuumsepispressile terase ja mittemagnetiliste metallide sepistamiseks KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 07.06.2010