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EVS-EN 61672-3:2013

Electroacoustics - Sound level meters -- Part 3: Periodic tests


Kehtiv alates 06.01.2014
IEC 61672-3:2013; EN 61672-3:2013
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
17.140.50 Elektroakustika
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

IEC 61672-3:2013 describes procedures for periodic testing of time-weighting, integrating-averaging, and integrating sound level meters that were designed to conform to the class 1 or class 2 specifications of the second edition of IEC 61672-1. The aim of the standard is to ensure that periodic testing is performed in a consistent manner by all laboratories. The purpose of periodic testing is to assure the user that the performance of a sound level meter conforms to the applicable specifications of IEC 61672-1 for a limited set of key tests and for the environmental conditions under which the tests were performed. Periodic tests described in this edition of IEC 61672-3 apply to sound level meters for which the manufacturer claims conformance to the specifications of the second edition of IEC 61672-1. Periodic tests described in IEC 61672-3 apply to sound level meters for which the model has been, or has not been, pattern approved by an independent testing organization responsible for pattern approvals in accordance with the test procedures of the second edition of IEC61672-2. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2006. This second edition constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with regard to the previous concern conformance to specifications which is now demonstrated when measured deviations from design goals do not exceed the applicable acceptance limits, and when the uncertainty of measurement does not exceed the corresponding maximum-permitted uncertainty, with both uncertainties determined for a coverage probability of 95 %. In this document, references to IEC 61672-1, IEC 61672-2, and IEC 61672-3 refer to the second editions unless stated otherwise. Procedures for the periodic testing of sound level meters designed to conform to the specifications of IEC 61672-1:2002 were given in IEC 61672-3:2006.

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19,52 € koos KM-ga
19,52 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
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