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EVS-EN 61557-15:2014

Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetamis-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 15: IT-süsteemide isolatsiooniseireseadmete ja IT-süsteemide isolatsioonirikke tuvastamise seadmete funktsionaalse ohutuse nõuded


Kehtiv alates 05.06.2014
IEC 61557-15:2014; EN 61557-15:2014
Direktiivid või määrused
2014/35/EU Madalpinge

Standardi ajalugu

IEC 61557-15:2014 specifies requirements related to functional safety and is based on the IEC 61508 standard series for the realization of Insulation Monitoring Devices (IMD) as specified in IEC 61557-8 and for Insulation Fault Location Systems (IFLS) according to IEC 61557-9, according to phase 10 of the IEC 61508-1 lifecycle. These devices provide safety related functions for IT systems. This part of IEC 61557 is  - concerned only with functional safety requirements intended to reduce the functional risk during the use of IMDs and IFLSs;  - restricted to risks arising directly from the device itself or from several IMDs or IFLSs working together in a system; and  - intended to define the basic safety functions provided by the devices. This part of IEC 61557 does not  - deal with electrical safety according to IEC 61010-1 and the requirements of IEC 61557-8 and IEC 61557-9;  - cover the hazard and risk analysis of a particular use of the IMD or IFLS;  - identify all the safety functions for the application in which the IMD or IFLS is used; and  - cover the IMD or IFLS manufacturing process. This part of IEC 61557 is to be used in conjunction with Part 8 and Part 9. Functional safety requirements depend on the application and should be considered as part of the overall risk assessment of the specific application. The supplier of IMDs and IFLSs is not responsible for the application. The application designer is responsible for the risk assessment and for specifying the overall functional safety requirements of the complete IT system and he should select the functional safety level (SIL) of the IMD and/or IFLS when their safety function is part of the functional safety assessment in the IT system.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

31,72 € koos KM-ga
31,72 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


EVS-EN 61557-8:2015

Elektriohutus madalpingevõrkudes vahelduvpingega kuni 1000 V ja alalispingega kuni 1500 V. Kaitsesüsteemide katsetus-, mõõte- ja seireseadmed. Osa 8: IT-süsteemide isolatsiooniseireseadmed
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 06.10.2015

EVS-EN ISO 14982:2009

Põllumajandus- ja metsatöömasinad. Elektromagnetiline ühilduvus. Katsetusmeetodid ja vastavuskriteeriumid
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 07.08.2009

EVS-EN ISO 12100:2010

Masinate ohutus. Projekteerimise, riskide hindamise ja riskide vähendamise üldised põhimõtted
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 06.12.2010

EVS-EN 60945:2003

Merenavigatsiooni raadiosideseadmed ja -süsteemid. Üldnõuded. Katsetusmeetodid ja nõutavad katsetulemused
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 01.03.2003