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EVS-EN 50678:2020

General procedure for verifying the effectiveness of the protective measures of electrical equipment after repair


Kehtiv alates 19.03.2020
EN 50678:2020; EN 50678:2020/AC:2021-04
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This document specifies requirements for setting a uniform procedure to verify the effectiveness of the protective measures for current-using equipment or appliances after they have been repaired.
This procedure is applicable to current-using equipment or appliances with a rated voltage above 25 V AC and 60 V DC up to 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC, and currents up to 63 A, connected to final circuits. They may be either pluggable equipment type A connected or permanently connected.
This document is not intended to replace test covered by safety standards nor product standards, for example type tests, routine tests and acceptance tests.
This document assumes that the current-using equipment or appliances under consideration complies with its related product standard, has been introduced on the market, has been in use, has failed, and has then been repaired.
It intends to verify that operations for repairs have not jeopardized basic protective measures, for example to verify the continuity of the protective conductor, the withstand capability of the insulation or to verify that no metallic part is loose or is inadvertently inserted in the device.
This document does not apply to:
- recurrent tests defined in EN 50699;
- devices and equipment that are part of the fixed electrical installations. For these, tests for verification after repair are covered by HD 60364-6;
- audio/video, information and communication technology equipment;
- uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS);
- charging stations for electro-mobility;
- power supplies;
- programmable Logic Controllers (PLC);
- power Drives;
- devices for EX-zones or for mining applications in general;
- products already covered by standards addressing similar topics such as:
- medical equipment covered by EN 60601-1. For these devices, tests for verification after repair are covered by EN 62353;
- arc welding equipment covered by EN IEC 60974-1. For these devices, tests for verification after repair are covered by EN 60974-4.
- machinery covered by EN 60204-1. For these devices, EN 60204-1 applies.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

26,84 € koos KM-ga
26,84 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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