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EVS-EN 50617-1:2015

Raudteealased rakendused. Rongituvastussüsteemide tehnilised andmed üle-Euroopalise raudteesüsteemi koostalitusvõime tagamiseks. Osa 1: Rööbasahelad


Kehtetu alates 02.12.2024
EN 50617-1:2015
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
29.280 Elekterveoseadmed
Direktiivid või määrused
2016/797 Euroopa Liidu raudteesüsteem

Olgugi et standard on tühistatud, on sellel Euroopa Liidu õigusakti 2016/797 mõistes siiski vastavuse eeldus ning vastavust  õigusakti nõuetega saab tagada, kui kasutada standardi tühistatud versiooni. Vastavuse eeldus kehtib, kuni vastav muudatus avaldatakse Euroopa Liidu Teatajas.
Uusimat Euroopa Liidu Teatajas avaldatud kooskõlastatud standardite nimekirja saad vaadata siit:

Standardi ajalugu

This European Standard is intended to be used in the context of the Interoperability Directive and the associated technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and signalling subsystems of the trans-European rail system. It is intended for use by manufacturers of track circuits and other forms of train detection systems using the rails as part of their detection principles as well as by Infrastructure Managers/Infrastructure Companies and National Safety Authorities, who are responsible for introducing and certifying new train detection systems on interoperable lines. This European Standard specifies the basic parameters of track circuits associated with the interference current limits for RST in the context of interoperability defined in the form of Frequency Management. The bands and limits defined in the Frequency Management are under evaluation for their economic impact. The evaluation is conducted by the European Railway Agency. The limits for compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits currently proposed in this standard allow  provision for known interference phenomena linked to traction power supply and associated protection (over  voltage, short-circuit current and basic transient effects like inrush current and power cut-off). These effects  are assessed using modelling tools that have been verified by the previous European research project RAILCOM. This European Standard describes the factors accounted for in the compatibility limits that will be published in section 3.2 of the TSI CCS Interface document, ref. ERA/ERTMS/033281 and further defines a methodology to derive the level of immunity required for the track circuit. This methodology is dependent on the application of the track circuit. The actual immunity limits of the track circuits are not defined in this standard and remain the responsibility of individual infrastructure managers, NSAs and/or suppliers of train detection systems.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

31,72 € koos KM-ga
31,72 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


EVS-EN 50617-2:2015

Raudteealased rakendused. Rongituvastussüsteemide tehnilised andmed üle-Euroopalise raudteesüsteemi koostalitusvõime tagamiseks. Osa 2: Teljeloendurid
Kehtetu alates 15.10.2024

EVS-EN ISO 14122-2:2016

Masinate ohutus. Püsijuurdepääsuvahendid masinatele. Osa 2: Tööplatvormid ja käiguteed
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 05.07.2016

EVS-EN ISO 14122-3:2016

Masinate ohutus. Püsijuurdepääsuvahendid masinatele. Osa 3: Trepid, treppredelid ja kaitsepiirded
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 05.07.2016
Põhitekst + muudatus

EVS-EN 15663:2017+A1:2018

Raudteealased rakendused. Veeremi lähtekaalud
Uusim versioon Kehtiv alates 03.01.2019