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EVS-EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023

Kodused gaaskuumutusega toiduvalmistusseadmed. Osa 1-1: Ohutus. Üldist


Kehtiv alates 29.12.2023
EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023
Direktiivid või määrused
2016/426 Küttegaasiseadmed
See standard on harmoneeritud standard määruse (EL) 2016/426 (Küttegaasiseadmed) mõistes, arvestades järgmisi piiranguid: a) EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023 ei hõlma määruse (EL) 2016/426 I lisa punktis 3.2.4 sätestatud olulist nõuet; b) EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023 hõlmab määruse (EL) 2016/426 I lisa punktis 3.4.4 sätestatud olulist nõuet süsinikmonooksiidi kohta, kuid ei hõlma seda nõuet muude tervist ohustada võivate ainete kahjuliku kontsentratsiooni osas

Standardi ajalugu

EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023/prA2
Põhitekst + muudatus
This document specifies the requirements and methods of test for the safety and marking of freestanding and built-in domestic cooking appliances burning combustible gases given in EN 437:2021, referred to in the text as “appliances”.
The appliances covered by this document are intended to be used in a domestic dwelling.
This document covers the following types of domestic cooking appliances:
-  independent freestanding hobs;
-  independent built-in hobs;
-  hobs and grills;
-  table cookers;
-  freestanding ovens;
-  built-in ovens;
-  freestanding or built-in grills;
-  griddles;
-  freestanding cookers;
-  built-in cookers.
This document also applies to gas cooking appliances incorporating electrical heating elements (e.g. gas-electric cooking appliances).
For appliances intended to be used in caravans, or motorhomes/mobile homes or on board of ships or aircraft, additional requirements may be necessary.
This document does not apply to:
a)  outdoor appliances;
b)  appliances connected to a combustion products evacuation duct;
c)  appliances having a pyrolytic gas oven;
d)  appliances incorporating flame supervision devices and having an automatic ignition device for which the duration of the ignition attempt is limited by design;
e)  appliances equipped with a burner that is periodically ignited and extinguished under the control of an automatic on/off device;
f)  appliances equipped with an oven and/or with a grill having a fan:
1)  either for the supply of combustion air or for the evacuation of the products of combustion;
2)  or for the circulation of the products of combustion within the compartments;
g)  appliances incorporating one or more hob or grill burners that enable the user to program the delayed start of the cooking cycle;
h)  appliances of categories I2N, I2R, I3R, I2E(S), I2E(R), I2Esi, I2Er, I2R and the equivalent double and triple categories which include these indices;
i)  appliances of category II2E+3B.
This document does not cover the requirements relating to third family gas cylinders, their pressure regulators and their connection.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

39,04 € koos KM-ga
39,04 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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