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EVS-EN 152:2011

Wood preservatives - Determination of the protective effectiveness of a preservative treatment against blue stain in wood in service - Laboratory method


Kehtiv alates 05.12.2011
EN 152:2011
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
71.100.50 Puidukaitse kemikaalid
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This European Standard specifies a method which is only suitable for testing preparations and systems which are intended to prevent the occurrence of blue stain fungi in wood in service. It is not suitable for assessing the temporary preventive effectiveness of anti-stain preservatives on round wood or on freshly cut wood. The method is not intended for the determination of the fungicidal properties of the surface coating applied to the wood after the priming coat. This European Standard lays down a method for determining the effectiveness of a preparation applied by e.g. brushing, spraying, spraying tunnel, dipping or vacuum and pressure treatments resulting in an equivalent retention of product in preventing the development of blue stain fungi in wood in service. It is also applicable where a primer paint is used in conjunction with the preservative system1). This method is applicable to the following types of preparations or systems: - type A: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used in conjunction with unspecified varnishes or paint coatings; or - type B: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used in conjunction with specified varnishes or paint coatings; or - type C: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used without any subsequent paint, varnish or other coating.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

26,84 € koos KM-ga
26,84 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


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