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EVS-EN 12602:2016

Autoklaavitud sarrustatud poorbetoonist valmistooted


Kehtiv alates 01.11.2016
EN 12602:2016
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
91.100.30 Betoon ja betoontooted
Direktiivid või määrused
305/2011 Ehitustooted

Standardi ajalugu

Põhitekst + muudatus
This European Standard is for prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete to be used in building construction for:
a)  Structural elements:
-  loadbearing wall components;
-  retaining wall components;
-  roof components;
-  floor components;
-  linear components (beams and piers).
b)  Non-structural elements:
-  non-loadbearing wall components (partition walls);
-  cladding components (without fixtures) intended to be used for external facades of buildings;
-  small box culverts used to form channels for the enclosure of services;
-  components for noise barriers.
Depending on the type and intended use of elements for which the components are utilized, the components can be applied - in addition to their loadbearing and encasing function - for purposes of fire resistance, sound insulation and thermal insulation indicated in the relevant clauses of this European Standard.
Components covered by this standard are only intended to be subjected to predominantly non-dynamic actions, unless special measures are introduced in the relevant clauses of this European Standard.
The term "reinforced" relates to reinforcement used for both structural and non-structural purposes.
This European Standard does not cover:
-  rules for the application of these components in structures;
-  joints (except their strength and integrity E of resistance to fire);
-  fixtures;
-  finishes for external components, such as tiling.
NOTE  AAC components may be used in noise barriers if they are designed to fulfil also the requirements of EN 14388.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

46,36 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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