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EVS-EN 1149-5:2018

Kaitseriietus. Elektrostaatilised omadused. Osa 5: Materjali toimivus- ja kavandamisnõuded


Kehtiv alates 03.10.2018
EN 1149-5:2018
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
13.340.10 Kaitseriietus
Direktiivid või määrused
2016/425 Isikukaitsevahendid

Standardi ajalugu

This European Standard specifies material and design requirements for electrostatic dissipative protective clothing, including hoods and caps, used as part of a total earthed system, to avoid incendiary discharges, where the minimum ignition energy of an explosive atmosphere is not less than 0,016 mJ.
In the context of this European Standard, a total earthed system is one in which personnel and other conductors are connected to earth via a resistance of less than 108 Ω.
The material and design requirements do not presume adequate earthing of additional equipment worn or carried in contact with clothing, e.g. breathing apparatus, etc. If such additional equipment is required to be earthed, other requirements beyond the scope of this European Standard may be necessary.
The scope of this standard does not include electrostatic dissipative protective gloves or footwear that are separate and not integral parts of garments.
The material and design requirements may not provide sufficient protection in oxygen enriched flammable atmospheres.
NOTE Additional information about oxygen enriched flammable atmospheres can be found in CEN/CLC/TR 16832:2015 [1].
This European Standard is not applicable for protection against mains voltages.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

15,86 € koos KM-ga
15,86 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


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