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EVS-EN 1093-11:2002+A1:2008

Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete emissiooni hindamine. Osa 11: Saasteärastamise näitaja KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST


Kehtiv alates 05.09.2008
EN 1093-11:2001+A1:2008
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
13.040.40 Püsiallikate heitmed
Direktiivid või määrused
2006/42/EC Masinad

Standardi ajalugu

Põhitekst + muudatus
This standard describes a method for the measurement of the decontamination index of pollution control systems e. g. capture devices including local exhaust ventilation, water spray systems and, when appropriate, separation equipment installed on a machine. This method uses the real pollutant (see 4.2 of EN 1093-1 : 1998 “ Safety of machinery — Evaluation of the emission of airborne  hazardous substances — Part 1: Selection of test methods”) and can be operated in room or field environments. It should be observed that during the test, especially during the shutdown or the removal of the pollution control system, the concentration of hazardous substances , if present, can reach levels which are liable to incur a risk to the health of the operators or other occupants present in the room. Warning: This standard does not deal with the protective measures required to control these risks.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

12,20 € koos KM-ga
12,20 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

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