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CEN/TS 17777:2022

Organic and organo-mineral fertilizers - Determination of specific elements


Kehtiv alates 18.04.2022
CEN/TS 17777:2022
Tegevusala (ICS grupid)
65.080 Väetised
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This document specifies references to the methods for the determination of the following specific elements in organic and organo-mineral fertilizers:
—  Determination of the total phosphorus content;
—  Determination of the total potassium content;
—  Determination of the total calcium content;
—  Determination of the total magnesium content;
—  Determination of the total sodium content;
—  Determination of the total sulphur content;
—  Determination of the inorganic arsenic content;
—  Determination of the cadmium content;
—  Determination of the total chromium content;
—  Determination of the total mercury content;
—  Determination of the total nickel content;
—  Determination of the total lead content;
—  Determination of the total copper content;
—  Determination of the total zinc content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble calcium content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble magnesium content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble sodium content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble sulphur content.
This document specifies references to the methods for the determination of the following specific elements in organo-mineral fertilizers:
—  Determination of the water-soluble phosphorus content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble potassium content;
—  Determination of the neutral ammonium citrate soluble phosphorus content
—  Determination of the formic acid soluble phosphorus content;
—  Determination of the total boron content;
—  Determination of the total cobalt content;
—  Determination of the total iron content
—  Determination of the total manganese content
—  Determination of the total molybdenum content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble boron content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble cobalt content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble copper content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble iron content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble manganese content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble molybdenum content;
—  Determination of the water-soluble zinc content.
This document is applicable to fertilizing products, which are classified as PFC 1(A) and PFC 1(B) or the PFC 1(A) and PFC 1(B) component in PFC 7 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 [1]. However, the present method was not validated for blends.

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