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CEN/TS 17176-7:2020

Plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above ground drainage, sewerage and irrigation under pressure - Oriented unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) - Part 7: Assessment of conformity


Kehtiv alates 16.07.2020
CEN/TS 17176-7:2020
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

This document gives requirements and guidance for the assessment of conformity of compounds/formulations, products, joints and assemblies in accordance with the applicable parts of EN 17176 intended to be included in the manufacturer’s quality plan as part of the quality management system and for the establishment of certification procedures.
NOTE 1  The quality management system is expected to conform to or is no less stringent than the relevant requirements to EN ISO 9001 [1].
NOTE 2  If third-party certification is involved, the certification body is expected be accredited to EN ISO/IEC 17065 [2] or EN ISO/IEC 17021 [3], as applicable.
NOTE 3  In order to help the reader, a basic test matrix is given in Annex A.
In conjunction with EN 17176 1, EN 17176 2, CEN/TS 17176 3 and EN 17176 5, this document is applicable to oriented unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O) plastics piping systems for water supply and for buried and above-ground drainage, sewerage and irrigation under pressure.

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24,40 € koos KM-ga
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