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CEN/TS 16428:2012

Biomeetrilise koostalitlusvõime profiilid. Soovitused kümne sõrmejälje tasapindjäädvustamisel


Kehtiv alates 06.11.2012
CEN/TS 16428:2012
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

The main goal of this Technical Specification is to give guidelines to follow during the acquisition process of slap tenprints in order to obtain fingerprints with the best quality possible in acceptable time constraints. NOTE Non-cooperative users are out of the scope of this Technical Specification. When using ten-fingerprint sensors, it is fundamental to know how to use them and how to proceed during the acquisition. This Technical Specification describes how to capture fingerprints correctly by specifying best practices for slap ten-print captures. This Technical Specification gives guidance on the following topics: 1) Recommendations on the hardware of the fingerprint sensor and its deployment, 2) Recommendations on user guidance, 3) Recommendations on the enrolment process including a sample workflow, 4) Recommendations for developers and system integrators on application software, 5) Recommendations on processing, compression and coding of the acquired fingerprint images, 6) Recommendations on operational issues and data logging, 7) Recommendations on the evaluation of a solution and its components. Although this Technical Specification primarily focuses on reaching optimal data quality for enrolment purposes, the recommendations given here are applicable for other purposes. All processes which rely on good quality tenprint slaps can take advantage of the best practices reported here.

Nõutud väljad on tähistatud *

19,52 € koos KM-ga
19,52 € koos KM-ga
Sirvi standardit alates 2,44 € koos KM-ga
Standardi monitooring

Teised on ostnud veel


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