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CEN ISO/TS 18750:2015

Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative systems - Definition of a global concept for Local Dynamic Maps (ISO/TS 18750:2015)


Kehtetu alates 04.07.2018
ISO/TS 18750:2015; CEN ISO/TS 18750:2015
Direktiivid või määrused

Standardi ajalugu

The scope of the work is to create an environment and the standards to
implement a Local Dynamic Map (LDM) concept.
The current situation is characterized that applications directly exchanging their
information with the respective counterpart. Parallel applications exchanging their
information in the same way. Therefore, information used by multiple applications
has to be re-transmitted each time and creates a huge amount of data traffic. This
leads finally to the situation where communication channels become overloaded
and/or specific applications cannot be executed anymore due to the nonavailability
of connection resource.
The way out of this crucial situation is given if a common and coordinated local
data store concept is implemented.
This concept radically changes the way applications are developed and
implemented. If an application is requesting information, it is requested first from
the local data store, and only if the information is not available locally it is
requested and transferred from the external source via the air-link.
In this case, several provisions have to be given:
- The access to the data base has to be unified and standardized for all
- The data elements and its attributes used have to be harmonized and
unambiguously defined
- Means to maintain the content and integrity of the data store, and means to
keep the content up to date have to be provided
- Means to apply local regulations for privacy and security have to be developed
- Last but not least the stakeholder-, user- and application-requirements have to
be derived and included in the development

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31,72 € koos KM-ga
31,72 € koos KM-ga
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