Uued standardid
See dokument esitab toote spetsifikatsioonid ja kvaliteedi tolerantsid termolõigete klassifitseerimiseks hapniklõikamiseks, plasmalõikamiseks ja laserlõikamiseks sobivatele materjalidele. See on rakendatav gaaslõikamiseks materjali paksustel 3 mm kuni 300 mm, plasmalõikamiseks paksustel 0,5 mm kuni 150 mm ja laserlõikamises paksustel 0,5 mm kuni 32 mm.
Toote geomeetrilised spetsifikatsioonid on rakendatavad, kui viide sellele rahvusvahelisele standardile on tehtud joonistel või vastavates dokumentides, nt tarnetingimustes. Kui seda rahvusvahelist standardit saab samuti rakendada kui erandit osadele, mis on valmistatud teiste lõikeprotsessidega, siis see peab olema eraldi kokku lepitud.
Tasapindsuse defektid kui sellised ei ole selles standardis käsitletud. Viidatud on kasutatud materjalide kehtivatele standarditele.
NOTE The tolerance for water-soluble salt contamination may be different for different paint types.
This information may be used when evaluating the adequacy of surface preparation prior to painting.
This document is concerned only with measured levels of salt contamination based upon either laboratory or field testing. The levels of soluble chloride and sulfate discussed in this document are to be compared using soluble surface densities of the species as determined after extraction in accordance with ISO 8502-6 (the Bresle method), or other methods giving equivalent results. Total soluble-salt contamination may be determined by conductometric testing, but such testing will not determine the nature and concentration of the specific salts present, e.g. whether chloride or sulfate is present, or its concentration.
This document does not define specific levels of cleanliness or methods of salt removal.
The following are within the scope of this document:
information for defining a complex product and its support solution;
information required to maintain a complex product;
information required for through life configuration change management of a product and its support solution;
the representation of product assemblies including:
the identification and representation of parts, their versions, definitions, and documentation and management information, such as dates and approvals assigned to parts;
the representation of multiple product structure views and product breakdowns;
the representation of the shape of an assembly as the composition of the shape representation of its components;
the identification of positions within an assembly of parts to which component parts can be attached;
the association of valued properties to a part or to an assembly;
the representation of interfaces between products;
the classification of parts, documents and assemblies.
the representation of a product through life including:
the representation of product requirements and their fulfilment;
the representation of existing or potential future products;
the identification of the configuration of a product for a given role;
the specification of effectivity constraints applied to configuration of a product;
the representation of predicted and observed states of products.
the specification and planning of activities for a product including:
the specification of tasks to be performed on a product;
the representation of conditions for performing the tasks, including the resources required and the location of the resources and product;
the representation of the type of person and skills required for performing a task;
the representation of planning and scheduling of the tasks and the management and authorization of the subsequent work.
the representation of the activity history of a product including:
the recording of the usage of a product and the resource usage;
the recording of the activities performed on a product and the resource usage.
the representation of the product history including:
a historical record of the states of a product;
a historical record of the configuration status of the product;
the location of product data;
the observation of product data.
The following are outside the scope of this document:
the representation of business transactions for ordering, supplying or returning products and other resources needed for product support;
the representation of business transactions concerning the transportation, shipment and receipt of products and other resources needed for product support.
Asendatud standardid
The following are within the scope of ISO 10303-239:2012:
information for defining a complex product and its support solution;
information required to maintain a complex product;
information required for through life configuration change management of a product and its support solution;
the representation of product structures, assemblies and breakdowns including:
the identification and representation of parts, their versions, definitions, and documentation and management information, such as dates and approvals assigned to parts;
the representation of multiple product structure views;
the representation of functional, physical, system and zonal breakdown of the product structure, from system via subsystems or components to end items;
the representation of the shape of an assembly as the composition of the shape representation of its components;
the identification of positions within an assembly of parts to which component parts may be attached;
the association of valued properties to a part or to an assembly;
the representation of interfaces between products;
the classification of parts, documents and assemblies.
the representation of a product through life including:
the representation of product requirements and their fulfilment;
the representation of existing or potential future products;
the identification of the configuration of a product for a given role;
the specification of effectivity constraints applied to configuration of a product;
the representation of predicted and observed states of products.
the specification and planning of activities for a product including:
the specification of tasks to be performed on a product;
the representation of conditions for performing the tasks, including the resources required and the location of the resources and product;
the representation of the type of person and skills required for performing a task;
the representation of planning and scheduling of the tasks and the management and authorization of the subsequent work.
the representation of the activity history of a product including:
the recording of the usage of a product and the resource usage;
the recording of the activities performed on a product and the resource usage.
the representation of the product history including:
a historical record of the states of a product;
a historical record of the configuration status of the product;
the location of product data;
the observation of product data.
This Dual Logo International Standard is the result of an agreement between the IEC and the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). The original IEEE Standard was submitted to the IEC for
consideration under the agreement, and the resulting IEC/IEEE Dual Logo International Standard has been
published in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives.
It specifies a set of codes to be used by devices connected via the IEEE 488.1 bus, defines communication protocols necessary to effect applications implementation independent device-dependent message exchanges and further defines common commands and characteristics useful in instrument system applications
electronic measuring apparatus with other apparatus and accessories necessary to assemble instrumentation
systems. It applies to the interface of instrumentation systems, or portions of them,The basic functional specifications of this standard may be used in digital interface applications that require
longer distances, more devices, increased noise immunity, or combinations of these.It bears double logo IEC/IEEE