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EVS 910:2017

Procurement documents for property maintenace and their preparing guide

General information

Valid from 03.05.2017
Directives or regulations
Changes from previous version
Olulisemad muudatused ja täiendused standardis EVS 910:2017 võrreldes standardi eelmise versiooniga EVS 910:2011: - Käsitlusalas täpsustati standardi vabatahtlikkust käsitlevat teksti; - Standard on ajakohastatud, lähtudes EVS 807:2016 (korrashoiukava, kvaliteedi alused, dokumenteerimine, korrashoiu korraldus, lisatud korrashoiu- ja hankeprotsessi terviklikult kirjeldavad skeemid jne); - Standard on suunatud universaalsete juhistena erasektori eluaseme- ja ärikinnisvara hankijatele, samas ei käsitle standard riigihangete seaduse (RHS) üldsätteid ja hankemenetluse korraldust, kuid annab siiski juhiseid RHS-i tehnilise kirjelduse koostamiseks ning tehnilise ja kutsealase pädevuse nõuete kirjeldamiseks; - Standardit on selle lisade osas täiendatud kinnisvara korrashoiu valdkonna üldiste lepingutingimuste kohaste KHÜL-i ja KTÜL-i näidistega erasektori hankijatele.

Standard history

Instructions, forms and ideas are given for rational and high quality procurement and accompanying documentation.
The scope includes the following complex activities from EVS 807:2016:
- codes 100 and 500 (facility management, including maintenance and fulfillment of owner’s obligations);
- codes 200 and 300 (technical maintenance activities for buildings, including technological maintenance and repair and maintenance).
In most cases, not many independent activities are necessary for property maintenance. The mentioned activities (maintenance, fulfillment of owner’s obligations, technological maintenance, repair and maintenance) are minimal to ensure safety when using the property. As a rule, the activities should be done by:
- the procurer (e.g facility management service that could be bought in); or
- the tenderer (technological maintenance and repairs).
The property owner should decide on the maintenance type and organizing (whether the services are bought in or not). This standard assumes that services are bought in.
Other complex activities mentioned in EVS 807:2016 are not very universally used and depend on the specific property and the wishes of its users (e.g repairs, development, consumable services, supporting services). For this reason, these activities do not belong to the scope of this standard.
This standard does not cover organization of public procurements.
Adherence to this standard is not obligatory until it is made so by legislation or by an agreement between procurement parties.

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50.75 € incl tax
39.04 € incl tax
39.04 € incl tax
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