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EVS 844:2016

Design of heating for buildings

General information

Withdrawn from 18.04.2022
Directives or regulations
Changes from previous version
Selles Eesti standardis, mis on standardi EVS 844:2004 uustöötlus, on täpsustatud ja lihtsustatud arvutuslike välisõhu temperatuuride määramist. Samuti on standardis esitatud siseõhu arvutuslikud temperatuurid viidud vastavusse teiste normdokumentidega. Antud on ka konkreetsed juhised soojuskandja temperatuurirežiimide valikuks eri juhtudel, arvestades hoonete ja küttesüsteemide eripära. Standardi uustöötluses täpsustatakse juhiseid toru läbimõõtude ja tasakaalustusventiilide valikuks sõltuvalt soovitatavast rõhukaost ja lubatavast müratasemest ning esitatakse juhised isolatsiooni paksuse valikuks. Veel on mitmed definitsioonid ja soovitused täpsustatud ning tehtud üheselt mõistetavamateks.

Standard history

EVS 844:2004
This standard establishes requirements for design of heating in the Republic of Estonia. Residential, public and industrial buildings are dealt, either for construction or refurbish.
The design stage of the project and its content is stated by the Estonian Standard EVS 811. Building Code states approvals and procedures for the granting of building permits. This standard includes both the outdoor air and indoor air design temperature selection, heating system selection according to the type of a building, recommended water velocities and pressure losses in pipelines, supply and return temperatures in heating systems, regulating and stop valves, pipe materials and efficient use of heat. Standard should be considered together with the Estonian standard EVS-EN 12831. This standard does not deal the heating stations. Heating stations have to be designed according to their design guidelines.

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24.40 € incl tax
24.40 € incl tax
Browse standard from 2.44 € incl tax
Standard monitoring

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