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ISO 29861:2009

Document management applications -- Quality control for scanning office documents in colour

General information

Valid from 11.11.2009
Directives or regulations

Standard history

ISO 29861:2009 specifies test methods for evaluating the consistency of the colour output quality over time from the colour reflection scanning of office documents.
It is applicable to assessing the output quality of colour scanners used in the office. It is particularly applicable where office documents containing half-tone and/or continuous tone colour areas are being scanned.
The test methods do not require specialist equipment that is not normally available in the office for the evaluation of the results. The test methods are based on the visual examination of the output of an office document scanner in comparison to the original test target.
It is not applicable to black-and-white only scanners or scanners used for the scanning of transparent or translucent documents.
ISO 29861:2009 is to be used in conjunction with ISO 12653, which specifies a test method for the evaluation of the quality of output from black-and-white office document scanners.

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