This technical report covers general considerations and guidelines on mitigation methods aimed at ensuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) among electrical and electronic apparatus or systems used in industrial, commercial, and residential installations. This technical report is intended for use by installers and users, and to some extent manufacturers,
of sensitive electrical or electronic installations and systems, and equipment with high emission levels that could degrade the overall electromagnetic (EM) environment. It applies primarily to
new installations, but where economically feasible, it may be applied to extensions or modifications to existing facilities.
Specific topics, such as recommendations on the design and implementation of the earthing
system, including the earth electrode and the earth network, the design and implementation of bonding apparatus or systems to earth or to the earth network, the selection and installation of appropriate cables, and the design and implementation mitigation means involving shielded enclosures, high-frequency filters, isolating transformers, surge-protective devices, etc. will be
addressed in other sections of part 5.
The recommendations presented in this report address the EMC concerns of the installation, not the safety aspects of the installation nor the efficient transportation of power within the installation. Nevertheless, these two prime objectives are taken into consideration in the
recommendations concerning EMC. These two primary objectives can be implemented concurrently for enhanced EMC of the installed sensitive apparatus or systems without conflict by applying the recommended practices presented in this report and the relevant safety requirements such as those of IEC 364. As each installation is unique, it is the responsibility of the designer and the installer to select the relevant recommendations most appropriate to a
particular installation.
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