ISO/IEC 17025 outlines the requirements for laboratories to be competent, impartial, and consistently operate effectively. It applies to all organizations that perform laboratory activities, regardless of size. Customers of the laboratory, regulatory agencies, organizations using peer assessment, accreditation bodies, and others can use ISO/IEC 17025 to confirm or recognize the competence of the laboratory.
The new edition of this standard includes some changes:
— Using a risk-based approach, which has allowed some prescriptive requirements to be replaced with performance-based requirements,
— Providing greater flexibility in the requirements for processes, procedures, documented information, and organizational responsibilities,
— Adding a definition of "laboratory".
The text of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 has been approved in Europe as EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 without any changes and it supersedes EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
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