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EVS-EN 303 753 V1.1.1:2024

Wideband Data Transmission Systems (WDTS) for Mobile and Fixed Radio Equipment operating in the 57 - 71 GHz band; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum

General information

Valid from 03.06.2024
Base Documents
ETSI EN 303 753 V1.1.1
Directives or regulations
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Standard history

The present document specifies technical characteristics and methods of measurements for Wideband Data Transmission Systems (WDTS) fixed equipment installations intended for mobile network applications and mobile equipment operating indoor and outdoor in the 57 GHz to 71 GHz frequency range.
The scope of the present document includes equipment in this frequency range in compliance with ERC Recommendation 70-03, annex 3 frequency band c2, frequency band c3 and Commission Decision 2019/1345/EU bands 75a and 75b.
Radio equipment within the scope of the present document are capable of operating in all or any part of the frequency bands given in table 1.
Table 1: Radiocommunications service frequency band
Transmit/Receive - Radiocommunications service frequency band
Transmit 57 GHz to 71 GHz
Receive 57 GHz to 71 GHz
NOTE: The relationship between the present document and essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU is given in annex A.

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Standard monitoring