This document specifies the technical and functional characteristics of temperature recorders for the
transport, storage and distribution of temperature sensitive goods between −80 °C and +85 °C.
It specifies the test methods which allow the determination of the equipment's conformity, suitability
and performance requirements.
It applies to the whole temperature recording system. The temperature sensor(s) may be integrated
into the recorder or be remote from it [external sensor(s)].
It gives some requirements with regards to the location of sensors of the recorder with respect to types
of usage such as transport, storage and distribution.
NOTE Examples for the transport, storage and distribution of temperature sensitive goods between −80 °C and +85 °C are chilled, frozen and deep frozen, quick frozen food, ice cream, fresh and hot food, pharmaceuticals,
blood, organs, chemicals, biologicals, electronic and mechanical devices, flowers, plants, bulbs, raw materials and liquids, animals, art and furnishing.
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