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EVS 871:2017

Fire resisting and emergency exit doors and door hardware - Use

General information

Valid from 03.05.2017
Directives or regulations
Changes from previous version
Selle standardi muutmine on seotud ehitistele esitatavate tuleohutusnõuete määruse muutmisega ja tuleohutust puudutavate Euroopa standardite muutmisega. Määruse „Ehitistele esitatavad tuleohutusnõuded ja nõuded tuletõrje veevarustusele“ uues versioonis on selle standardiga seoses peamise muudatusena toodud sisse suitsutõkkeukse kasutamise nõue. Samuti on väiksemaid muudatusi seoses nõuetega evakuatsioonile ja evakuatsiooni avatäidetele. Peamiselt on muudetud jaotisi 4.3 ja 6.5 ja peatükki 10 ning lisatud termin 3.2. Samuti on standardis tehtud toimetuslikke muudatusi.

Standard history

prEVS 871
This standard specifies requirements for use of fire resisting doors and emergency exit doors and their hardware in buildings.
Requirements for emergency exit doors in this standard are implemented for doors on escape routes; these doors may have a function of fire resistance or not. The particular need to meet the fire resistance or emergency exit requirements depends on the particular location of the door in the building.
This standard does not include special requirements for keeping people in locked rooms. The solutions for this kind of rooms should be worked out separately for each room.
This standard does not describe methods for testing of fire resisting doors and emergency exit doors and their hardware; these methods are described in separate standards.
This standard covers the use of fire resisting and emergency exit doors only, the characteristics of doors and windows are covered by harmonized European standards, for instance EVS-EN 14351-1 (external doors), FprEN 14351-2 (internal doors), EVS-EN 13241 (industry doors), EVS-EN 16361 (power operated doors) and EVS-EN 16034 (fire safety and smoke control doors). The same applies to building hardware.
The use of this standard is affected by the development of European product standards for doors and windows.

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