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EVS 814:2020

Frost resistance of normal-weight concrete - Definitions, specifications and test methods

General information

Valid from 15.04.2020
Directives or regulations
Changes from previous version
Võrreldes eelmise versiooniga on standardis tehtud järgmised muudatused: — standardi sisu on ajakohastatud, näiteks EVS-EN 206-1 asendatud standardiga EN 206 ning prEN 12390-9 asendatud tehnilise spetsifikatsiooniga CEN/TS 12390-9; — jäetud välja termin 3.4; — lisatud uued terminid 3.9 kuni 3.11; — jäetud välja tabel 3; — jäetud välja jaotis 4.3 „Teede ehituses kasutatavate betoonide külmakindlus“; — lisatud jaotis 5.3 „Proovivõtt“; — lisatud viide harja kasutamise soovitustele jaotises 5.4.12; — täiendatud jaotist 5.7 „Tulemuste väljendamine ja hindamine“; — täiendatud jaotist 5.8 „Katseprotokoll“; — täiendatud jaotist 5.9 „Lubatud kõrvalekalded standardmeetodist“; — jäetud välja lisa A betoonkonstruktsioonide külmakindluse klassifikatsioonide võrdluse kohta; — lisatud uus lisa A „Proovivõtu protokolli näide“.

Standard history

This Estonian standard sets requirements for the freeze-thaw resistance of normal concrete depending on the operating conditions of the concrete structure and gives a test method for its direct determination. When designing concrete structures, it is often necessary to take into account environmental class factors other than the freeze-thaw resistance requirement (EVS-EN 206:2014+A1:2016 clause 4.1), which may require special measures in the selection of concrete components, technological process and construction of concrete structure (e.g determination of reinforcement protection layer).

This standard describes the assessment of the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete by the freeze-thaw method for direct testing in a test (freezing) environment, which may be either distilled water or sodium chloride solution. In individual cases both environmental class (freeze-thaw resistance class) and test (freezing) environment can be determined by agreement of the parties, assuming that the particular environmental class is defined in EVS-EN 206 and freeze-thaw resistant class and conformity criterion are selected on the basis of this environmental class.

This standard does not cover heavy or lightweight concrete (aerated autoclaved concrete and concrete with open structure) according to the classification of the standard EVS-EN 206.

NOTE  In some cases, the test method may not be suitable for testing special concretes, such as high-strength concrete, self-compacting concrete, etc. In this case, the agreed special methodology must be used.

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