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CEN/TS 17268:2018

Intelligent transport systems - ITS spatial data - Data exchange on changes in road attributes

General information

Valid from 03.01.2019
Base Documents
CEN/TS 17268:2018
Directives or regulations

Standard history

This document defines the content specification for the exchange of road-related spatial data, and especially updates thereof. Based on the content specification, this document defines also a physical exchange format (structure and encoding) for the actual data exchange. In addition, it defines web services that are needed to make the coded data on updates available. Exchange of dynamic information is not in the scope of this document.
Although the focus of this document is on providing information on updates, the technology described in this document in principle also enables the exchange of full datasets, either concerning the whole road network in a coverage area, including all geometry and all attributes, or a subset, concerning for instance all instances of one or more specific attributes.
NOTE  This specification does not support the provision of updates concerning geometry. The provision of geometry associated with attribution change is supported, in the context of providing the location of attribute change.

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