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Põlevkivi ja põlevkiviproduktide töötlemine

Scope: Põlevkivi kaevandamine ja töötlmise tehnoloogia, põlevkiviõli tootmine ja põlevkivikeemia, põlevkivienergeetika. Aheraine ja jääkproduktide töötlemine.

Mirror Committees
  • CEN/TC 317 - Derivatives from coal pyrolysis
  • CEN/TC 335 - Solid biofuels
  • ISO/TC 27 - Coal and coke
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 1 - Coal preparation: Terminology and performance
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 3 - Coke
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 4 - Sampling
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 4/WG 6 - Sampling of coal seams
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5 - Methods of analysis
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5/WG 1 - Moisture, volatile matter and ash
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5/WG 10 - Plastic properties of coal
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5/WG 12 - Miscellaneous methods
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5/WG 2 - Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5/WG 7 - Brown coals and lignites
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5/WG 8 - Major, minor and trace elements in coal and coal residues
  • ISO/TC 27/SC 5/WG 9 - Guidelines for validation of methods
  • ISO/TC 28 - Petroleum and related products, fuels and lubricants from natural or synthetic sources
  • ISO/TC 28/SC 2 - Measurement of petroleum and related products
  • ISO/TC 28/SC 4 - Classifications and specifications
  • ISO/TC 28/SC 5 - Measurement of refrigerated hydrocarbon and non-petroleum based liquefied gaseous fuels
  • ISO/TC 82 - Mining
  • ISO/TC 238 - Solid biofuels
  • ISO/TC 28/SC 7 - Liquid Biofuels
Committee members
  1. Eesti Keskkonnauuringute Keskus OÜ
  2. Viru Keemia Grupp AS
  3. Eesti Energia AS
  4. Kiviõli Keemiatööstus
  5. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
  6. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Virumaa Kolledž (Põlevkivi Kompetentsikeskus)
  7. Eesti Mäeselts
  8. Eesti Geoloogiateenistus

Establishment Date: 25.05.2015

Work Programme for Technical Committee

Chairman: Hella Riisalu

Vice-chairman: Indrek Aarna

Technical Secretary: Anu Nuut

Coordinator: Anna-Maria Hütt