Scope: Vee analüüsi- ja proovivõtumeetodite standardimine ning terminoloogia korrastamine komitee töövaldkonnas
- CEN/TC 230 - Water analysis
- CEN/TC 230/WG 1 - Physical and biochemical methods
- CEN/TC 230/WG 2 - Biological methods co-ordination group
- ISO/TC 147 - Water quality
- ISO/TC 147/SC 1 - Terminology
- ISO/TC 147/SC 2 - Physical, chemical and biochemical methods
- ISO/TC 147/SC 2/WG 33 - Ion chromatography methods
- ISO/TC 147/SC 2/WG 38 - Flow analysis methods
- ISO/TC 147/SC 2/WG 48 - QA/QC (Quality assurance/Quality control)
- ISO/TC 147/SC 2/WG 52 - Antimony, arsenic and selenium
- ISO/TC 147/SC 3 - Radioactivity measurements
- ISO/TC 147/SC 3/WG 4 - Uranium
- ISO/TC 147/SC 3/WG 6 - Tritium and carbon 14
- ISO/TC 147/SC 3/WG 7 - Rapid test methods in emergency situations
- ISO/TC 147/SC 3/WG 8 - Gross activity
- ISO/TC 147/SC 4 - Microbiological methods
- ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 10 - Legionella
- ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 14 - Campylobacter
- ISO/TC 147/SC 4/WG 2 - Coliforms (E. coli and other coliforms)
- ISO/TC 147/SC 5 - Biological methods
- ISO/TC 147/SC 5/WG 1 - Toxicity - Bacteria and biodegradability
- ISO/TC 147/SC 5/WG 2 - Toxicity to invertebrates
- ISO/TC 147/SC 5/WG 3 - Toxicity - Fish
- ISO/TC 147/SC 5/WG 5 - Toxicity - Algae and aquatic plants
- ISO/TC 147/SC 5/WG 9 - Genotoxicity and endocrine effects
- ISO/TC 147/SC 6 - Sampling (general methods)
- ISO/TC 147/SC 6/WG 1 - Sampling management
- ISO/TC 147/SC 6/WG 11 - Sludges and sediments
- ISO/TC 147/SC 6/WG 3 - Preservation and handling of samples
- ISO/TC 147/SC 6/WG 6 - Drinking water and water used for food and beverage processing
- Kliimaministeerium
- Eesti Keskkonnauuringute Keskus OÜ
- Eesti Geoloogiateenistus
- Terviseamet
- Tartu Ülikooli Eesti Mereinstituut
- Eesti Vee-ettevõtete Liit
- Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Establishment Date: 02.12.2013
Work Programme for Technical Committee
Chairman: Liisi Arm
Technical Secretary: Hille Allemann
Coordinator: Käti Liiv