Scope: Hoonete küte ja ventilatsioon
- CEN/TC 130 - Space heating and/or cooling appliances without integral thermal sources
- CEN/TC 156 - Ventilation for buildings
- CEN/TC 228 - Heating systems and water based cooling systems in buildings
- CEN/TC 371 - Energy performance of buildings
- ISO/TC 205 - Building environment design
- Eesti Kütte- ja Ventilatsiooniinseneride Ühendus
- ETS Nord AS
- AS Tinfor
- Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
- Clik AS
- must maja OÜ
- RoundRectangle OÜ
Establishment Date: 06.04.2005
Work Programme for Technical Committee
Chairman: Peeter Parre
Vice-chairman: Jarek Kurnitski
Coordinator: Käti Liiv